As part of our qualitative research with Mosaic’s early adopters we discovered that users were overwhelmed by the volume of businesses in the system. They didn’t have a way to save relevant businesses nor view groups of businesses as they changed over time.
We realised a good solution to this would be user lists, allowing users to build their own sub-set of the business database and view all relevant insights and metrics on their curated list.
In doing this we also realised that users could use this for two extra handy things. One, to exclude businesses from the database and views and two, to perform basic CRM functions, such as ticking off businesses as they performed outreach actions.
We also found that in order for this feature to make most sense from an information architechture point of view, and to feel less like it had been "tacked on" or wedged in, we’d have to integrate it with the existing platform structure seamlessly.
The resulting integration was well recieved by users, and led to increased customer sign-ups. It also helped internal teams with platform-based QA testing.
The work was iterated on with the team. For example, front-end devised a more streamlined way to edit the list names when adding businesses.
The work quickly led to development of a potential improvement where users could share and collaborate on their own lists.
Despite the success of this feature (not as a result of it!), the company lost funding shortly after so we were unable to iterate or improve further.