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Brainnwave’s Multiple Data Platforms

As Aggreko’s AMI platform evolved, other opportunities for data merging and analysis emerged. When people could see the power of what we were able to do for Aggreko, it became clear that there was a multitude of uses for the Brainnwave platform in it’s many incarnations.

To exemplify the flexibility of the platform and show you the adaptations and variations I was designing and developing, I’ll cover some of the other platforms below, all based on the initial version.

Edrington - Drinks Market Ranking

Drinks distributor Edrington (owner of the Macallan brand) approached us to create a platform to analyse worldwide whisky markets in order to determine where best to allocate stock and resources.

The map was adapted to involve clickable country shapefiles, and the entity page now displayed things like market resilience metrics and market value breakdowns.

James Fisher - STS Transfer Detection

James Fisher Marine services asked us to build a platform to help them detect Ship To Ship Transfers as they were happening, and to help them predict future STS transfers based on historical data.

The map was adapted to display near-realtime ship locations as well as Ship To SHip transfer locations and the entity page was adapted to show ships, their journeys and metadata as well as contact information for their operators.

MTVH Community Understanding

Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing approached us as part of their data revamp to help them with community analysis and understanding. That involved analysing police data, community housing officer data, and allowed us to build data science projects around prediction of successful tenant visits amongst other things.

The map views were revamped to accommodate multiple levels of navigation including community and pitch navigation as well as incorporating landmarks and transport items. The entity pages were developed to include crime statistics, deprivation rankings as well as tenancy snapshots and demographic data.

Wheatley ASB Detection

Wheatley housing group approached us and asked if there was a used case for data science to help predict a number of economic and social indicators for the areas in which they have social housing. We worked with them on potential predictive algorithms for Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) likelyhood as well as rent arrears prediction in order to help financially at risk households before they ended up in debt.

Similar to MTVH, the maps were adapted for the relevant tenant/household/patch heirarchy and the inclusion of deprivation rankings, crime data and ASB predictions were included. An ASB insight section was also incorporate into the platform.

Other platforms

There were a few other uses for the platform, from North Sea oil and gas rig analysis, to ski resort ranking (for a staff member and his family!) but it was clear that the flexibiltiy within the overall product design made this a very adaptable platform.

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